| 1. | One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal 一个样本甚至在产道中被保存了下来。 |
| 2. | That isolation ends during the baby ' s trip through the birth canal , which is a haven for bacteria 当胎儿从细菌的避风港经产道娩出后,这种隔离结束了。 |
| 3. | The baby is most likely upside down , facing your side , when its head enters the birth canal 这时胎儿正要进入产道,很可能已经头下脚上,脸朝你的侧面。 |
| 4. | During labour , the left and right pieces overlap and help to ease the baby s passage through the birth canal 在分娩时,头颅骨的左右部分相互重叠,使胎儿易于通过产道。 |
| 5. | During labour , the left and right pieces overlap and help to ease the baby s passage through the birth canal 在分娩时,头颅骨的左右部分相互重叠,使胎儿易于通过产道。 |
| 6. | For humans , this tight squeeze is complicated by the birth canal ' s not being a constant shape in cross section 人类产妇不只面临这个紧密契合带来的问题,产道的形状更使问题雪上加霜。 |
| 7. | A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst , with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother ' s pelvis and tailbone 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。 |
| 8. | The entrance of the birth canal , where the baby begins its journey , is widest from side to side relative to the mother ' s body 原来人类产道的横切面是连续变化的,入口处(就是胎儿进入人世的起点)最宽的地方朝向母体的两侧。 |
| 9. | Conveniently , the birth canal ? the bony opening in the pelvis through which the baby must travel to get from the uterus to the outside world ? is also an oval shape 正巧产道也是卵形的(产道即骨盆的出口,是胎儿从子宫来到人世的必经之道) 。 |